Post-Grad Activities/Career Information
Soon you will have your first engineering degree. You know you can get a good job. So why stay in school for one more year? An M.Eng. is well worth your investment of time and money for two important reasons: a higher salary and a more rewarding career.
Higher Salary
The M.Eng. degree commands a higher starting salary—and that will be the platform for your future professional earnings. Nationwide, the average starting salary for an M.Eng. in electrical and computer engineering is about 6 percent higher than a bachelor's in engineering. A Cornell degree further influences entry wage levels, with an 18 percent boost over our own bachelor's degree and a 38 percent increase over the national average for a bachelor's degree. So the payback on your investment is relatively short, and the financial benefits compound throughout your career.
A More Rewarding Career
The degree is about much more than salary, though. Our M.Eng. degree is designed to develop engineering professionals. Earning the M.Eng. adds to your knowledge through advanced coursework in leading-edge science and technology, solidifies your design and analysis skills on a design project, and develops your skills in teamwork, communication, and leadership—all essential steps for tomorrow's engineers.
Today's M.Eng. prepares graduates for rewarding careers in a wide-range of industries: from high-speed silicon hardware to high-power financial software, from undersea fibers to geosynchronous satellites, from national power grids to energy-saving LEDs, from computerized medical instrumentation that looks into the human body to radar systems that look out to the heavens.
Excellent Career Services
Make the Cornell Engineering Career Center a partner in your job search. Review the M.Eng. Career Modules, register for Handshake to view job postings and events, and visit during daily office hours for individual consultations.
Cornell Career Services also surveys Cornell University M.Eng. recipients at graduation, and again at three and six months after graduation.
These surveys are compiled into a database and are currently available to anyone with a Cornell NetID. This database allows users to search survey results for information on positions, geographical location, employers, salaries, and much more. Those seeking data without a NetID should email their request to eng-recruiting@cornell.edu.
Visit the Post-Graduation Survey dashboard and customize your own search today.