What is ECE?/What do ECEs do?

Electrical and computer engineering connects our world.
It's also the most far-reaching major in the College of Engineering. ECE fields range from the nanoscale to the gigantic, from electronics for microscopic integrated circuits and biological systems to large-scale energy generators and the power grid, from the maker movement to theoretical quantum mechanics.

Look around and you'll see ECE everywhere.
The future of self-driving cars, drones, robotics, AI, cell phones and handheld devices, the Internet of Things, and much more depend upon innovations in ECE. 

At the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell, you'll develop intellectual strength in math, physics, and computers, learn to use sophisticated tools, and gain hand-on knowledge of the technology affecting today—and tomorrow. And not just about hi-tech gadgetry; ECE is the place where information intersects with physical reality. Whether you're transmitting, gathering, storing, computing, processing, or analyzing information, the core of ECE lies at the boundary of communications, information, and computing.

ECE is crucial to the development of self-driving cars, drones, robotics, artificial intelligence, cell phones and handheld devices, the Internet of things, and much more.