Forms for Undergraduate Programs
ECE Forms for Undergraduates
- ECE Minor Application (pdf)
- ECE Petition (pdf)
- Application for Major Affiliation (online form, login required)
- M.Eng. Early Admission Petition (pdf)
Graduation Checklist
Important Instructions:
Please contact the ECE Advising Coordinator, Professor David Delchamps for assistance needed while completing your Graduation Checklist.
Send your COMPLETED Graduation Checklist to the Undergraduate Coordinator via Cornell's Secure File Transfer service. This will guarantee confidentiality for the submission of your grades.
- You must ordinarily complete the ECE major requirements specified on the Graduation Checklist appropriate your Cornell matriculation date. If an ECE major fails to complete ECE major requirements within seven years after the last day of the first final exam period after the student affiliated with ECE, the student must complete the ECE major requirements specified on the Graduation Checklist appropriate to ECE seniors graduating concurrently with the student.
College of Engineering Forms
For all general forms for the College of Engineering, see Undergraduate and M.Eng. Forms.