Artificial Intelligence
Cornell has been at the forefront of work in AI for years.
The collaborative nature of the work done at Cornell Engineering ensures we will find novel approaches and applications for AI across all engineering domains.
Research Area Faculty
The faculty researchers in this area exemplify the collaborative nature of the work done at Cornell Engineering.
Silvia Ferrari
Associate Dean for Cross-Campus Engineering Research
Cornell Engineering
John Brancaccio Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Upson Hall, Room 543
Ziv Goldfeld
Assistant Professor
Nils Napp
Assistant Professor
Kirstin Hagelskjaer Petersen
Associate Professor, Aref and Manon Lahham Faculty Fellow
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Anthony P. Reeves
Mert Sabuncu
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cornell Tech
Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering
Zhiru Zhang
Research Area Field Faculty
Faculty researchers from Cornell's several campuses contribute to this research area.
Thomas Cleland