Computer Engineering
Computer engineering concerns itself with the understanding and design of hardware needed to carry out computation, as well as the hardware-software interface. It is sometimes said that computer engineering is the nexus that connects electrical engineering and computer science. Research and teaching areas with a significant computer engineering component include digital logic and VLSI design, computer architecture and organization, embedded systems and Internet of things, virtualization and operating systems, code generation and optimization, computer networks and data centers, electronic design automation, or robotics.
Research Area Faculty
The faculty researchers in this area exemplify the collaborative nature of the work done at Cornell Engineering.
Christopher Batten
Elizabeth Farrell Helbling
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall, Room 330
José F. Martínez
Lee Teng-hui Professor of Engineering
Nils Napp
Assistant Professor
Kirstin Hagelskjaer Petersen
Associate Professor, Aref and Manon Lahham Faculty Fellow
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Anna Scaglione
Stephen M. Ross/Related Companies Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cornell Tech
Zhiru Zhang